Used Books Fundraiser: Our 5th graders are collecting gently used books to sell and recycle for their end of year activities as part of a fundraiser. If you have any gently used books, you can drop them off at the gates during pick up/drop off or the front office. Books will be sold at our Cocoa and Snow Day. Thank you.
WRAP Students: We are asking all families to remind their students who attend WRAP to check in with WRAP even if they will be picked up before the end of the program. We have had several instances when students are confused about whether or not they are getting picked up early so having them check in to one spot on a consistent basis makes it much more manageable. We appreciate your attention to this matter.
Important Dates: Please calendar the following dates:
Open House: Burcham teachers voted to have Open House sooner than the district date this year. Burcham’s Open House will be on Tuesday, April 8th from 5:00-6:30 pm. It will not be a minimum day.
Spring Break: Spring Break has been moved district-wide to the week BEFORE Easter this year. We will be on Spring Break from April 11th-18th and return the day after Easter. Please ensure to align your family vacation time with this week off. It is greatly appreciated.
PTA Announcements: Please mark your calendars for the following events:
January Reading Incentive: Reading incentive form is due on January 31st to spin the big wheel.
Cocoa and Snow: Join us for one of the most memorable events here at Burcham on Friday, January 24th starting at 5:00 pm. Students will get an opportunity to play in snow and mingle with friends. There’s guaranteed to be a very entertaining snowball fight versus teachers. You won’t want to miss it! Volunteers are still needed to make this event memorable. Please sign up for any available time slots on the PTA website noted above. cocoa and snow.pdf
Spirit Wear Orders: Orders will be sent home once the shirts are completed. If you have any questions, please email
PTA Meeting: Our next PTA meeting will be on Thursday, February 13th at 6:30 pm in the Library. Childcare and snacks will be provided.
Talent Show: We are looking for a person or two to Chair the Talent Show in order to keep our tradition going. Please reach out on Instagram or email our PTA President at the PTA website above.