Spirit Wear Shop is OPEN until 2/23! Orders will be sent home with students the following week.
Parent CORE Survey: Burcham families can now provide feedback to the district regarding Burcham via the CORE Survey. Please look for an email with details from LBUSD and/or the survey can be found in your parent portal on ParentVue. The window will close on February 28th. Thank you in advance for completing this survey. (It will take approximately 10-15 to complete.) If we reach a 50% completion rate then we will have a free dress day for students.
Garden Club: If any families would like to participate in planting herbs, flowers or vegetables this Wednesday the 19th at 2:15 pm, please meet on the playground after school.
Bobcat Bites: Our next Bobcat Bites family outing will be on Wednesday, February 19th at the Chuck E. Cheese in Cerritos from 3-9pm. Please see the attached flyer for more details. Bobcat bites - chuck e cheese.pdf
CSULB Women’s Basketball Game: Save the date for March 1st as Burcham heads to CSULB to cheer on the Women's Basketball Team at 1pm at the Long Beach Pyramid. Doors open at noon for their kids club activities. To request your complimentary tickets or ask questions please email burchamnight@gmail.com. A limited number of tickets are available so act fast! .CSULB Womens bball flyer 2025.pdf
Important Dates: Please calendar the following dates:
- Open House: Burcham teachers voted to have Open House sooner than the district date this year. Burcham’s Open House will be on Tuesday, April 8th from 5:00-6:30 pm. It will not be a minimum day.
- Spring Break: Spring Break has been moved district-wide to the week BEFORE Easter this year. We will be on Spring Break from April 11th-18th and return the day after Easter. Please ensure to align your family vacation time with this week off. It is greatly appreciated.
PTA Announcements:
- Talent Show: We are looking for a person or two to Chair the Talent Show in order to keep our tradition going. Please reach out on Instagram or email our PTA President here!
- Our Sunshine Committee is looking for staff support donations for the staff lounge. If you'd like to donate please CLICK HERE to view the Amazon Wish List